
Land of the Lost DVD Covers

I was scrolling through my Land of the Lost photos (as one is often want to do…) when I noticed that all three season covers have the logo for the show essentially locked in the same place.  That inspired this gif.

Unfinished Business

I don’t post a lot of my own thoughts on the shows of the past, but I was watching an old episode of Beauty and the Beast (A Happy Life) and got to thinking about a trend in so many of the shows I loved and consider favorites. That trend is the fact they they all ended too soon and without proper finales or resolutions. Here are the examples I can think of right now.

Beauty and the Beast. Ran for three seasons, but the third season was rough, considering they were trying to salvage the show after Hamilton left. Killing off Catherine wasn’t smart. She should have been recast. Fans would have rather have dealt with that then what we were given. Many, myself included, choose to just pretend season three never existed. But, either way, we didn’t get a happy ending for Catherine and Vincent.

Friday the 13th: The Series. Might be my all-time favorite show. It just hit me at the right time in my life and left a major impression. And like Beauty and the Beast, their third season was an attempt to introduce a new lead and save the show. This time, John D. LeMay left and was replaced with a different leading man as a different character. I think Johnny worked and the show, while different, could have gone on longer. But, behind the scenes stuff killed it at the end of that season. Again, with no resolution. Micki and Jack and now Johnny were still getting antiques back. Wish we could have had some closure.

Land of the Lost. Yeah, I know, going back 40 years now, but this show that is viewed as just kid’s stuff had a pretty good premise and a lot of world-building went into that weird land and its characters. Again, it’s season three dealt with the loss of a major character. Spencer Milligan left as the dad and was replaced with a new actor as his brother. But the show also lost something behind the scenes, as less detail was involved in the depth of story and character. It truly became that silly kid’s show and then ended. No definite resolution for the characters or what the land was really all about.

I guess I should be happy The Bionic Woman and The Six-Million Dollar Man got three reunion movies and a happy ending, eventually.

What about you? Any shows that didn’t last long enough or have a resolution you were happy with?